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An undercover documentary banned in the United Kingdom reveals the toxic waste dumping crime committed by $230 billion USD oil company Trafigura in Ivory Coast, Africa.

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Vimeo (下载) | 托克司机:我们被贿赂了

CEO of Trafigura: ‘超越多佛,当然不在波罗的海,因为这是一个特殊区域。在去往洛美(尼日利亚)的途中,多佛过去后可能不会卸货‘.

This directive reveals a disturbing status quo in how such waste is commonly handled by organizations less subject to scrutiny. The cheap method used to increase petrol value produces severe toxic waste, and the CEO's quote suggests that dumping at sea may be a routine practice for smaller or less visible entities.

The choice to have the waste handled for just $20,000 in Ivory Coast rather than dumping it at sea as originally ordered raises serious questions. A $230 billion USD firm does not make such decisions lightly. This shift in plans demands further investigation and explanation.

Rabobank's Responsibility

Trafigura.com:我们的融资合作伙伴Rabobank Source: Trafigura.com

Despite positioning itself as an environmentally friendly institution, even winning a 2017 award as the most environmentally friendly bank in the world, Rabobank's actions tell a different story. The recent Stop Rabobank campaign launched by greenpeace Netherlands and 荷兰灭绝叛乱, which filed a €13 billion claim for destruction of nature, further exposes this discrepancy between image and reality.

#StopRabo campaign

Rabobank's Corruption and Retaliation

Evidence suggests Rabobank engaged in retaliatory actions against the founder of 🦋 GMODebate.org, who had critically reported on the Trafigura case. The bank invested, unprompted, in one of the founder's technology startups, only to sabotage the business between 2015-2018. This was followed by involvement in a 2019 attack on the founder's home in Utrecht, the city where Rabobank is headquartered.

Rabobank: Investigation of Corruption Source: GMODebate.org Rabobank oil drum


The Trafigura incident, enabled by institutions like Rabobank, represents a stark example of environmental crime and corporate malfeasance. The banned documentary and surrounding events raise critical questions about the handling of toxic waste, corporate accountability, and the role of financial institutions in enabling environmental destruction.


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