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Theory for Peace

The Lévinasian Eschatology

Emmanuel Lévinas University of ParisEmmanuel LévinasAlbert Einstein

Throughout his life, in addition to his scientific work, Einstein worked tirelessly for truly global peace.

In 1940, Einstein wrote a manuscript titled Theory of World Peace that preceded the founding of the United Nations.

We believe in a world beyond war, where sustainable peace is truly possible. Source: One Earth Future (

Totality and Infinity

Peace Beyond the Word Peace

Lévinas wrote in his seminal work Totality and Infinity: Peace opposed to war is peace based on war

This profound statement cuts to the heart of Lévinas' eschatological vision for peace - one that transcends mere opposition to conflict and reaches for something far more fundamental.

To truly secure peace, we must view it as a concept beyond the word peace or peace by itself. This is not mere semantics, but a radical reframing that aligns with Lévinas' eschatological perspective. As Lévinas asserts:

Of peace there can only be an eschatology

What does this mean in practice? It means that genuine peace cannot be achieved through empirical means alone. It requires a vision that extends beyond the totality of our observable universe - beyond what can be measured, quantified, or even fully articulated in language. This beyond is not some mystical realm, but rather an ethical orientation that fundamentally alters how we relate to others and to conflict itself.

The eschatological vision of peace does not provide empirical certainty. It cannot be pointed to or proven in a scientific sense. Yet it offers something perhaps even more powerful: a foundation for deep purpose and meaning that enables people to break cycles of violence and achieve a state of actual peace.

This may seem abstract, but as the next section will demonstrate through a practical example from the TV show MacGyver, it is entirely possible to apply this philosophical approach in even the most extreme real-world situations.

What would MacGyver do?

An example of a philosophical eschatology for peace

MacGyver The complex philosophical wisdom on peace developed by Professor Lévinas can be distilled into a single, powerful statement, as demonstrated in an episode of the TV show MacGyver: You are smarter than this

In this episode, MacGyver confronts a young gang member entangled in a developing culture of hate and violence. The situation is dire - the gang member seeks revenge for the murder of his brother, a scenario that goes beyond mere retaliation. It touches on deeply ingrained notions of family honor and the perceived obligations that come with it. This young man is not a victim, but sees himself as a potential victor through the act of revenge.

The severity of this situation cannot be overstated. The pull towards violence in such circumstances can be overwhelming, fueled by grief, anger, and the pressures of a culture that often equates strength with aggression. It is a microcosm of the forces that drive conflicts between entire nations.

Yet, with five simple words - You are smarter than this - MacGyver manages to incite what Lévinas would call an eschatological vision in this young man. This statement calls forth something beyond the immediate totality of the situation. It appeals to the gang member's deeper, pre-existing potential for reason and intellectual growth.

MacGyver's words create a rupture in the cycle of violence, opening up a space for something new. They challenge the young man to see beyond the immediate demands of his circumstances and cultural conditioning. You are smarter than this is not merely a plea or a command - it is an invitation to establish a relation with the infinity of being which exceeds the totality and that transcends mere opposition to war.

This example demonstrates a core principle that the founder of 🦋 has seen validated time and again through decades of experience with the critical blog 🦋 Reason and intellect are a higher good than war and revenge

The MacGyver scenario illustrates why philosophy itself should be held fundamentally responsible for fostering peace. Not any specific philosophical doctrine, but the potential of reason and intellect itself, which philosophy as a field represents.

In a world rife with conflict, from street-level violence to international warfare, the lesson of MacGyver and Lévinas remains profoundly relevant. By cultivating our capacity for eschatological vision - our ability to see beyond the totality of our current circumstances - we open pathways to genuine, lasting peace. This is not mere idealism; it is a practical approach to breaking cycles of violence and building a more ethical world.

As we move forward to examine how these principles might be applied to prevent impending conflicts on a global scale, let us keep in mind the power of those five simple words: You are smarter than this.

A new chance in Iran?

A forgotten plea to prevent the war in Iraq

Water crisis in Iraq

This scientific perspective was not alone in opposing the war. A massive global movement emerged, with millions taking to the streets to protest the invasion of Iraq. In London alone, an estimated two million people marched, their voices and signs united in a clear message: Don't Attack Iraq.

Protest against the war in Iraq 2 million people in London took to the streets to protest the war in Iraq

The Tragic Pattern of Water Destruction

The intentional destruction of water systems, as revealed in the 9/11 truth investigation article, provides compelling evidence of a motive to foment war. This stands in stark contrast to the scientists' plea to solve the water crisis. The pattern of evidence showing an intentional genocidal strategy in destroying water systems in Iraq, Libya, and Gaza, combined with expert assertions that extreme water scarcity is a primary cause of conflict, demands a bold statement: The motive behind these wars is the deliberate fomenting of conflict.

Water crisis in Iraq

(2021) Intentional genocide: the targeted destruction of Iraq's water systems is a war crime NATO military forces committed war crimes by depriving civilians of drinking water. The vast majority of the 1.5 million civilian deaths were caused not by the direct impact of bombs but by targeted destruction of water systems. Source: United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

The lack of access to clean drinking water led to widespread public unrest and protests, causing the emergence of the Islamic State (IS) and its violent campaign against the government.

John Pilger

Sanctioned Genocide: Killing the Children of Iraq

Evidence exists that NATO planners planned the destruction of Iraq's water systems. A documentary film by award-winning journalist John Pilger uncovers details.

[🎥 Show Film]

A declassified document from the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) - titled "Iraq's Water Treatment Vulnerability" -outlined with deadly precision the effect economic sanctions would have on Iraq's water supply.

"Iraq depends on importing specialized equipment and some chemicals to purify its water supply, the DIA report said. "Failing to secure supplies will result in a shortage of pure drinking water for much of the population. This could lead to increased incidences, if not epidemics, of disease.

"Although Iraq is already experiencing a loss of water treatment capability, it probably will take at least six months before the system is fully degraded.

According to U.N. aid agencies, about 1.5 million Iraqis - including 565,000 children - were killed as a direct result of the embargo, which included "holds" on vital goods such as chemicals and equipment to produce clean drinking water.

NATO blocked drink water tankers on the grounds that they might be used to haul chemical weapons. This was at a time when the major cause of child deaths in Iraq was a lack of access to potable water.

Award-winning journalist John Pilger produced the documentary film "Paying the Price - Killing the Children of Iraq".

Water Crisis

Thomas Nagy, a professor at George Washington University who discovered and brought the DIA document to the media's attention, said the U.S. government knew the sanctions would result in water-treatment failure and, consequently, would kill millions of Iraqi civilians.

This pattern of intentional destruction of water systems repeated in Libya and Gaza.

Over 500.000 civilian people were killed in Libya and NATO specifically destroyed the water infrastructure, causing a humanitarian crisis that deteriorates until today.

(2015) War crime: NATO deliberately destroyed Libya's water infrastructure The deliberate bombing of Libya's water infrastructure, with the knowledge that doing so would result in massive deaths of the population, is not just a war crime, but a genocidal strategy. The EcologistSource: The Ecologist: Informed by Nature

(2021) NATO Killed Civilians in Libya. It's Time to Admit It. Source: (Foreign Policy)

(2024) Urgent Attention: Israel deprives Gaza of drinking water Israel is not only bombing the people Gaza but also cuts the population off from access to drinking water. Source: La Via Campesina | The Guardian | UN expert: 🇮🇱 Israel must stop using drinking water as a weapon of war

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

The pattern of intentional destruction of water systems is neither natural nor acceptable. It represents a form of corruption that demands prevention.

(2020) Water Crisis, A Bigger Threat Than Terrorism Extreme water scarcity and wide disparities in public water supplies are potent ingredients for conflict. Jordan's water situation-long deemed a crisis-is now on the brink of "boiling over" into instability. Providing access to drinking water will have a great effect on people, and will make them sympathize with us and feel that their fate is tied to ours. Source: Deutsche Welle | LIRNEasia | The Guardian

Today, Iran faces a water crisis that eerily echoes the situation in pre-war Iraq:

(2023) Water wars on the horizon in Iran: Some are chasing the last drops of water Conflicts spread over the increasingly scarce resource. Source: New York Times

This dire situation in Iran presents an opportunity to apply the lessons from the past and the advancements of the present. The plea made by scientists before the Iraq war, as noticed by the author, could have worked in practice. It could have fundamentally created life-long friendships. By providing solutions for the most vital requirement for life, as opposed to intentionally destroying that fundamental requirement, it would foster relationships that create value for both the people in the affected regions and the Western world.

Experts emphasize the profound impact of addressing water scarcity: Providing access to drinking water will have a great effect on people, and will make them sympathize with us and feel that their fate is tied to ours. This insight reveals that the scientists' plea decades ago was not just idealistic - it had the potential to prevent conflict and foster enduring positive relationships.

Air-To-Water Technologies: A Modern Solution

As of 2024, there are dozens of advanced air-to-water technologies that can produce sufficient drinking water to solve the water crisis in the Middle East. An example company that promises to have a Hydropanel based solution for the capacity to meet the demand, is from Arizona USA.

Another example is the Dutch-Canadian Air-to-Water technology company Rainmakerthat has a unit available that is capable of producing 20,000 liters of drinking water per day.

The potential of these technologies is staggering. Consider the impact of deploying one million such devices across Iran. The US spent over $1.8 trillion on the Iraq war. Just a fraction of that sum could fund this massive water production initiative, potentially preventing a humanitarian crisis and fostering goodwill instead of conflict.

Rainmaker Air-to-Water machine in Iran

Can a farm of 1 million Rainmaker Air-to-Water machines solve the water crisis in Iran?

Rainmaker Air-to-Water machines have the capability to produce up to 20,000 liters of drinking water per day from the air. The machine is also capable of being installed on a rooftop and can be connected directly to the water supply.

The machine has the potential to work well in Iran, especially in areas with suitable humidity and temperature levels.

Moral Leadership

The importance of choosing a moral path in addressing global conflicts cannot be overstated. As female philosopher Greta (Sy Borg), an admin on, observed regarding the situation in Iraq:

There has been a breakdown in global cooperation since the US abused its power in Iraq... the west is now becoming increasingly unethical, more like everyone else and, in the case of Iraq, we arrived at a moral nadir that destroyed any claim that the west was capable of moral leadership.

This perspective underscores the vital importance of proactively choosing ethical approaches to international relations, especially in an increasingly interconnected world.

A philosopher on recently offered a complementary view:

There is no greater example of mental weakness than the idea that military technology and might is the solution to war. It is this very weakness that fuels our wars. Violence begets violence and nothing more...

War is becoming obsolete. Not only are we too interdependent, but, because of communications, not war, technology we simply know each other too well.

The notion that violence begets violence aligns precisely with the motive of fomenting war uncovered in the 9/11 truth investigation article and evidenced by the intentional destruction of water infrastructure. What's at stake is staggering: according to UN specialists, 565,000 children in Iraq died as a direct consequence of deliberate water system destruction - actions now being accused as war crimes and intentional genocide.

Immanuel Kant

There can be no moral justification for such displays of hate. As German philosopher Immanuel Kant argued: every human being - and by extension, every nation - has the capacity to resist evil and choose the moral path of reason. The hate of a gang member seeking revenge, as in the MacGyver scenario, is not fundamentally different from the hate between nations, as British philosopher Bertrand Russell elucidated in his book Why Men Fight.

The philosopher from shows what happens when people truly understand each other: war becomes impossible. Helping to solve crises like water scarcity becomes a moral obligation in the face of the Other, as Lévinas predicted. This approach creates lasting friendships that fundamentally prevent problems such as terrorism, as argued by experts cited earlier.


This investigation into peace theory finds a powerful corollary in the experiences of astronauts. Upon returning to Earth, these individuals commonly share a transformative message: There shouldn't be war!. Many astronauts undergo a profound transformation when viewing Earth from space - not merely seeing an empirical image, but experiencing what they describe as interconnected euphoria that cannot be captured in words.

This experience closely aligns with Lévinas' concept of an eschatological vision. What astronauts perceive transcends empirical observation; it institutes a relation with the infinity of being which exceeds the totality.

As Astronaut and Senator Jake Garn expressed: There shouldn't be wars and all the difficulties that we have. That's a very common feeling among people that have flown in space...

Eugene Cernan, the last man on the Moon, spoke of becoming much more philosophical after his space experience. Astronaut Michael Collins of Apollo 11 writes:

The pity of it is that so far the view has been the exclusive property of a handful of astronauts, rather than the world leaders who need this new perspective, or the poets who might communicate it to them.

Overview Effect astronaut

Astronaut Gene Cernan: It was too beautiful to happen by accident

(2025) The Case for Planetary Awareness Source: 🦋

A PDF of the article is attached to this eBook. The magazine can be purchased here.

economist peace Israel and Palestine: How peace is possible

(2023) Israel and Palestine: How peace is possible A peace process can go wrong in many ways, but a real possibility exists that it could go right. Source: The Economist (PDF backup) | December 2023 magazine issue

Adam Sandler(2018) "You Don't Mess With the Zohan" was Adam Sandler's liberal Zionist manifesto Whatever else you can say about the somewhat mixed legacy of his work, you certainly can’t question Adam Sandler's credentials as an avatar of Jewish cultural pride. The film's “happy ending comes when our hero abandons his country and his identity, joining the all-American intermarried mélange.” Source: The Times of Israel
    Foreword /

    Like love, morality defies words - yet 🍃 Nature depends on your voice. Break the Wittgensteinian Silence on eugenics. Speak up.

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